Improve your knowledge and have fun. Best Country Quiz ever!Learn countries borders in a form of a drawing quiz. This is most interesting and intrigui
Improve your knowledge and have fun. Best Country Quiz ever!
Learn countries borders in a form of a drawing quiz. This is most interesting and intriguing Country Quiz ever!
"I really enjoy playing this game. Guessing next countries is not that easy, but when I know the country before it is actually fully sketched makes me feel truly thrilled."
-- Anna, 18
"I was always good at Geography but this games is a real challenge for me. Watching as borders of the country are drawn is somehow much more engaging then guessing based just on photos"
-- Peter, 27
Are you good at geography? Guess what country it is based on the animation where it's border is hand drawn! You can significantly improve your knowledge and shine amongst your friends as an Geography expert.